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Why You Need PCR Testing
When you Return to the UK
Dec 2021
Why You Need Day 2 Testing When You Return to the UK
Every traveller entering the UK now needs to take a PCR test within 48 hours of arrival. It has become mandatory to take a PCR test when entering the UK due to the new Omicron variant of COVID-19. This has also resulted in the reintroduction of quarantine measures. Keep reading to find out about measures you need to take, including our day 2 testing in Sheffield.
What is the new rule for day 2 testing in Sheffield and across the UK?
You’ll have to take a PCR test on or before the end of day 2 if you are visiting the United Kingdom. A lateral flow test is no longer applicable. You’ll have to book the PCR test before departing to the UK, which is privately bought from providers that the government has approved.

You’ll be required to isolate whilst waiting for the results. It won’t matter whether you are vaccinated or not, and your self-isolation will only come to an end if your results are negative.
Which countries are on the red list now?
There are currently no countries or regions on the red list.
How long should you isolate for if you’re fully vaccinated?
If you are fully vaccinated already, you’ll be required to undergo a COVID-19 PCR test within 2 days of arrival in the UK. Your quarantine will immediately come to an end if the test results are negative.

If the test results turn positive, you’ll need to self-isolate for a period of 10 days, with the day of testing being day 0.

If the test results are unknown for whatever reason, you’ll have to self-isolate for 10 days. You can decide to undergo another PCR test privately to confirm the results, and you can end the self-isolation if the results turn negative.

If the results are delayed for any reason, you’ll have to quarantine until the results come out negative or until the 14th day after arrival, whichever comes first.
If you are not fully vaccinated
If you aren’t fully vaccinated, you will have to self-isolate for a period of 10 days. You will need to take a test in the two days before you travel to England. You will also be required to take the Day 2 and Day 8 tests after arriving in England.

The quarantine period begins the day you arrive in the UK and will go up to 11.59 pm on the 10th day. This process is necessary since it takes 10 days for the COVID-19 symptoms to show.
Our Covid Tests
Are daily rapid antigen tests similar to PCR day 2 testing in Sheffield?
Rapid antigen tests produce a fast result, which is why they are used for daily testing for social or occupational purposes. Nevertheless, they are not currently accepted as proof of a negative result when returning to the UK. They are also not to be used if you show any symptoms of Covid-19. Some countries may accept them as proof that you are Fit to Fly. However, it’s very important to confirm the regulations for your preferred destination in advance of your trip.
Get a Fit to Fly test
The Fit to Fly test is perfect for persons going on holiday or who need to travel for other reasons and are required to prove a negative COVID-19 test result. We provide a Fit to Fly PCR test, which will give confirmation whether you currently have the coronavirus or not. It also comes with a Fit to Fly certificate that you’ll provide at the airport as proof of a negative test result. We even offer Rapid Antigen Fit to Fly tests; you can find out more here:
Rapid Antigen Testing
How can I get day 2 testing in Sheffield for COVID-19?
Feel free to get in touch with us today concerning your situation. One of our pharmacists will tell you what tests to take. If you experience any COVID-19 symptoms, please do not come into the pharmacy; rather, get a PCR test through the NHS and follow the regulations set by the government. Book your test online today!
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This blog post was written on behalf of Totley Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.